Sunday, January 31, 2010

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, October 26 2009

> Peanut butter wow that sounds fun. I filled the boxes last year. Mom it is lots of fun to ride in a wheel chair you should try it, or you could be a mature example, and that works too. Yes it is cold here and what with daylight savings time it is now 5:00 and dark outside. (however so far today it hasn't been too cold, but I bought a scarf anyway.)
> This week has been really fun. The family home evening was lots of fun, even if it was in three languages swedish, english, and spanish. Elba is a really cool person. Then on Wednsday we made a mistake. We double booked our teach, so we had to teach at 18:00 (6:00) at the church and at the university. Very hard to do. So, we called around and got it all set up so we could go on splits with the members. I went to the University and taught Rikard, and it went really well. he has lots of good questions, mostly he struggles with faith, but he remembers the lessons we have taught (even the Plan of Salvation which we taught two months ago). Älste Cleere had an awesome experience to. He taught a spanish girl from El Salvador (I think) while Anne-len translated for him. He said it was awesome because they really liked eachother and she said she has always wondered which church was the true church. Then Thursday we taught Rikard again and showed him the Church web site and he wants to listen to President Monson's talks. On the way home I started talking to two college students (they were speaking english, so I had to) They were really positive, and we missed our stop and the bus didn't go back. So, we walked home. The people in Älghult are also doing really well. Nadia and her family will find out if they can stay this week.
> Sunday we got to go to stake conference at the scandic star hotel. the seats are probably the most comfortable I will ever have for stake conference. (they were theater seats, very nice) The talks were all good and a couple were on seminary and the blessings of it. Keep going to seminary. Also put on the Armor of God and keep going. The Temple president gave a really powerfull talk on temple work. Isn't it wonderful to be able to go to the house of the Lord? Then the Stake president closed by telling us we need to give of our hearts to others and serve others. It was really awesome.
> Time is running out, so Ha det så Bra and thank you for the letters and everything you do for me
> The soon to be almost frozen
> Äldste Grindstaff

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, October 26 2009

> Hola familia,
> The peanut butter factory sounds like it was a lot of fun. I know what it`s like to "sort" the peanuts mom. When I did it last year all I did was move the warm peanuts around a bit on the conveyer belt. :)
> Aaron and Anita helping clean the church sounds like really productive work. (I understand that the temptation to ride around in the wheelchairs is great though... especially if you have a younger sibling with the same idea of what`s fun)
> Well, yesterday Uruguay had their elections for president. This has been a huge deal for a long time now and I`m just now getting around to talking about it. Aparently from what the other elders in our city told us today (during our district meeting that we had before our zone activity that we`re having today in Durazno... run on sentence.) the two main candadites have to have a revote. I`m not a fan of all the politics going on around here, especially because yesterday we couldn`t have church due to the elections. ah well. I`ll send you a few photos of some of the election propaganda maybe next week.
> This week me and my companion have been working on getting more help from the members. Missionary work without the members is not easy. We`ve been sharing messages with a few of the families (during lunch or for a few minutes before we have to be home) and it has been great. We had one member help us in one of our areas that`s pretty far (because this member has an old car) and we had a great lesson. The woman we taught has been having a really hard time with everything lately and is having a hard time making sure her family has food to eat. The lesson with this member was great because he has had many hard experiences in his life and was able to testify with a lot of power and love. I love it when we have help from members... (the man that helped us reminds me a lot of dad, he`s great)
> I had an experience that made me realize even more that I am being watched over very carefully. Yesterday the family we were suppose to have lunch with weren`t there, due to elections, and we didn`t have much food in the house. We borrowed two eggs from some members so we could make a cake in the microwave, but my attempts at making it failed miserably. It was the worst tasting cake ever, so we had to throw out my poor attempt at making food. So, I didn`t eat much for lunch (which I am not accustamed to) and as we were out working I felt a little sick, drained of energy and a little shaky. It was an awful feeling. As we were visiting with some recent converts, the wife said in a matter of factly tone "I have pizza and arroz con leche for you". I know this isn`t the healthiest of foods, but it is my favorite thing here to eat and I almost cried because I felt so grateful. I know that Heavenly Father knows us and our needs. He knows when one of his missionaries is hungry and in my case sent an angel to feed me. I felt much better after. I know that without doubt that God lives and loves us. I know this is his work and I`m so grateful I have this time to preach His gospel to His children. We have been rejected many times, but I love the work and I know it`s all true.
> We have been shown a little anti mormon booklet that has a prayer written in the back of what people should pray for. It`s just like the prayer of the zoramites. It say`s something like " We thank thee that we have shown that mormonism is.... etc." it was quite a shock to see that the world has not changed too much from the times of Alma.
> I love you all and I love the work. We are moving forward and seeing many blessings.
> love you,
> hna Grindstaff
> p.s. changes are next Wed. so that is when I will write my next e-mail
> p.s.s Isaac, while you are freezing, I am burning up. My hair is really blonde and my skin has a tan for the first time in years. :)

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, October 19 2009

> Hola Familia,
> Well, I have some good news. The woman that me and hna. Rogers found in Progreso (who when we found her was very distressed and talking about suicide) was baptized along with her family. (hna Rogers sent me the message). Not only them, but the daughter of a less active woman we found was or is baptized now. What miracles! It`s amazing to see how we are led to those who are ready to hear the gospel and to see the changes in their lives.
> This has been a busy week. Most of our investigators are not progressing too well, so we are working on finding those who we have been promised are ready to hear this message and accept it.(We have one investigator, who we found through a misunderstanding with some teenagers, who told us she wants to be baptized... but she has never come to church, so we`ll see). President Da Silva talked to us about completing all of our contacts and more, so that is what my companion are doing. We try not to let 5 minutes go by without talking to someone. Needless to say that by the end of a full day of talking and teaching we are pretty tired. We had one contact that was pretty funny. We were standing on the doorstep looking at the curtain in the windo that had enlish words on it. One of the words was wrong and I was busy pointing it out to my companion (we were both staring pretty intently at this writing) when all of the sudden a man came and yanked back the curtain really fast from the inside. We both jumped back and had a hard time talking after this. The man thought it was pretty amusing I think. We had a good laugh about it later.
> Our recent converts Yeila and Eduardo are doing great. We stopped by to talk to them this morning (and return their plate) and it brightened my day. We learned that the poor little kitten that me and my companion found and gave them two days ago died. :( We found this little shivering kitten by the side of the road and my companion just couldn`t stand to see it like that, so she insisted on giving it a home. Ahh, her heart is too soft. ha ha)
> I love you all, thank you for the Halloween stickers mom. They are really cute.
> I`m so grateful to have the family that I do and such amazing parents. Thank you so much for you examples, your prayers, and your faith. I know the gospel blesses families because it has blessed mine.
> I know this is the true church of our Savior Jesus Christ.
> I love you all,
> hna Grindstaff
> p.s. Elder (it`s way easier to just call you elder) Grindstaff, hooooola! :) make sure you wear those gloves!!!!

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, October 19 2009

> so, I forgot to say, but I had to get a new watch because on saturday by the university it fell off somewhere. I think I know where, but we had to hurry to the next teach and didn't get to look for it. Just so you know, I took out 100 kronor or 14 dollars.
> Thank you.
> and thank the three girls that sent me a letter, I don't remember who they were, sorry.
> Äldste Grindstaff
> ps. we ran into some english people the other day on the bus. they live here and he is an electrical engineer in england. Quite the commute.

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, October 19 2009

> Well, I'm sorry I missed the fun.
> This week has been interesting. Bilal had a friend that said we are not christians and he shouldn't listen to us. Bilal told him that we definately are Christians and that we even have a prophet today. He then taught his friend all that we had taught him, and now his friend is interested. Ricard is willing to be taught 3 times a week for three weeks, plus comming to Church. (this is what is called the experiment, it was told the missionaries by a 70 in January. He said you can promis everyone you teach that they will know if the church is true by teaching them 3 times a week for 15 minutes (two times if they can't do three) and having them read, pray, and come to church) Magid is also willing to do the experiment. We also got to help Ricard put together a couch (it was pretty difficult, and we moved some furniture for a lady in the Branch. So, I guess I didn't have to be home to move furniture, of course you do have more. We taught Elba with Marina and it went really well. Elba is scared of coming to church because her son is so rowdy, and she feels like she gets nothing out of it. Mom how did you deal with that? How does Chelle? We will be having FHE with her this evening.
> The most fun experience we have had this week is that Äldste Cleere's bike's peddle fell off. (it rusted off). So, we take turns riding the good bike and towing the other person. It is really good excercise if your looking for a good work out plan. I am glad there are busses here, even if they do take longer. Thank you for all the letters,
> Äldste Grindstaff
> ps. Sandra, Elba told me to write this spanish I learned yesterday Sandrita. Ha det så Bra.

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, October 12 2009

> Hur är det med ni? (how is it for ya'll) Thank you for the e-mails.
> Sweden is ok. It is cold and I wear my jacket, and coat almost all the time. It is actually kind of nice to be able to wear a jacket and not burn up inside of it. Lots of fun stuff happened this week. First, we got to go to Zone conference in Göteborg (Gothenberg), and we had a member of the 3rd quorum of the seventy speak to us. He is from France and was really awesome. He taught us all about how the church is set up and gave us an equation for success. It was S+L=U which leads to Zion. (so Spirituality (Spiritually minded, or coming closer to the Lord) + Love = Unity which of course leads to Zion ("and they were of one heart and one mind"... Scripture mastery somewhere in Moses) Sorry mom I forgot the reference. Then we had President Anderson give us a lesson on Working hard, Working Smart, and Working with the spirit, pretty much WORK. After zone conference we came home and got to work.
> We talked to a lot of people one rememered talking to us before, and actually lives in the building accross from us.
> The men from Pakistan Bilal and Imran came to the branch paj (pie) Höst (fall) party. Afterwords we took them on a tour of our church. Bilal has a lot of questions, and can't understand why other christian churches don't believe in Joseph Smith or the Book of Mormon. He also told us when we gave the Book of Mormon in urdu to him that he has read only one religious book in his life, (the koran) but the Book of Mormon will be his second. I am so excited for the missionaries that will get to go to the Middle east. Those are some of the nicest people I know, and a lot of them are prepared.
> But there are prepared Swedes too. We got a call a few days ago from a man who wants to know more. He heard about us from his friend and wants us to send en stycke Mormons Bok to him so he can read it. His friend also told him that he will be able to feel the Holy Ghost better if he stops drinking, so he stopped. We will send the book out today, he wants to read it before meeting us.
> Thank you all again for the letters.
> Mvh (I just know it is what swedes use for sincerely)
> Äldste (just like this hermana Grindstaff, but I don't think you have the letter "Ä" oh well, just use an E and it will be Norwegian) Grindstaff
> Ps. Thank you for the word "verde" now what is the chair is green (la silla är verde) I don't know anymore. Sandra, your spanish exceeds mine by a lot. Ha det så jätte bra!!!!!

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, October 5 2009

> Hola familia,
> Conference was so great! Since my companion is latina we watched it in spanish with the rest of the ward (and a few investigators:). There was only one talk that I didn`t like hearing the vioce of the translater for and that was elder Hollands talk. He speaks with a lot of power and authority and the translater had a hard time capturing that... (I`m not talking bad about the translaters. They do a good job)
> This has been another week full of a lot of work. We had a few memorable lessons and I`ll tell you about a few of them.
> One of them was with a family of six kids that we found. We went back to teach them the plan and there were a few little cousins there. So, we taught about 10 little girls all under the age of 13, two adults (the mom and her sister) and we had a member that we brought with us. It was quite a crowded lesson full of little giggles that reminded me of my neices and nephews. It was pretty fun, but I wondered to myself if the mom understood any of it, so at the end of the lesson we asked her and she said she understood it perfectly (which is a miracle with how many happy little girls we had in this lesson). At the end of the lesson the little girls all wanted to hear me speak english and I must say, I`ve never felt so awkward speaking in my native tongue in my entire life.
> Another memorable lesson was with the young couple that found my second day here (that are planning on being baptized this Saturday). We taught them the word of wisdom and learned that they were already living it... minus the husband who has smoked for 20 years but two weeks ago decided he wanted to quit and had really cut back. The husband committed to quit smoking and that was that. It`s amazing to see just how prepared these two have been. They enjoyed conference a lot and are looking forward to their baptism.
> Thank you for the e-mails. I could hardly believe that you found a 10 pound sweet potato in the garden. That`s like a 2 week old baby!
> I`m so grateful that we had the opportunity to hear the prophet this weekend. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a living prophet on the earth today. I know that Christ lives and that He is the head of this church and speaks to us through our prophet. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God and was written by ancient prophets and that Joseph Smith translated it by the power of God.
> I love you all and I hope you always remember that the God loves you and is mindful of you.
> love,
> hna Grindstaff
> p.s. Isaaaaac, I mean elder (I don`t know how you spell it in swedish) Grindstaff, Good luck this week. and as dad always say`s, Smile!
> Oh, and "verde" is green.

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, October 5 2009

> Sorry about the first message, I had a brain fart (noun meaning "fast" in swedish) and I sent it without writing anything.
> Conference was pretty otroligt (Awesome, or unbelievable). I learned a lot and even know now the time difference between here and there. The first session was from 18.00 to 20.00 Swedish time.(I don't know If I have said this, but they use military time here). So, we saw the first two sessions (the saturday afternoon session rebrodcast on sunday) and the Sunday Morning session. I unfortunatly missed the priesthood session because we had some investigators that wanted to come and we thought it was best to stay in Växjö. In fact after the first session 4 college students from Pakistan (that we had just met 3 hours earlier and taught) came. Aparently they had gotten lost and couldn't find the church. I was really happy they came anyway. It was really cool. I watched it in english (except for one talk) and here the internet was 5 minutes behind, not 15 seconds. I loved it. My favorite talks were Elder Scotts, Elder Bednars, President Uchtdorfs, and President Monsons. I liked them all, and thought it was good to be reminded to sacrifice and serve others. As a missionary that is what I try to do all the time, but can still look around for opportunities to just help. "Be thou an example unto the nations in thought, word, and DEED. As Elder Bednar said, don't be a hypocrite. So, go about doing good (See PMG ch 10, I think)
> Other than conference this week has been really good. Mikael came to conference and his lesson went really well. We taught two less actives and found a bunch of other people to teach. After we walked out of the building my companion would talk to someone and we would get invited in to teach them. I have met 8 people from Pakistan now. The first four we met and taught in their dorm sitting cross legged on the ground. It was interesting and fun. They even gave us two boiled eggs (They told us it is the first time in their life that they have to cook for themselves, but I think it tasted ok). We just taught two girls in the Library and am now sending e-mails.
> Thank you all for your letters. Sorry if mine make no sense.
> Ha det så bra.
> Jag Älskar ni (I love ya'll, Yes "ni" means "ya'll")
> Ps. a cool word, can you guess what it means?
> lerig (hint it is an adj. and little kids are this when it rains)
> pps. blött means wet

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, September 29 2009

> Yes mom I am kind of used to the way Swedish looks and sounds. sometimes I start using swedish frases. (one in particular självklart or obvious. Litterally self clear, and I find my self saying self clear instead of obvious. I can't remember if we say it in english or not, but it sounds right to me). I have forgotten just about all of my spanish. Swedish has filled it in. Every time I try to think of a spanish word the Swedish one comes. I can remember silla but not green. So, mom you are one phrase up on me. I'm not thinking in Swedish yet, I don't have a big enough vocabulary and half of our investigaters are english speaking.
> Sandra the teach with Elba went well, but we can't find the other Spanish lady, but we will.
> This week Danny (the english man) told us that he will get baptised, but he doesn't want to set a date until he can be sure to be baptised on that date. He said if he says it he will do it, and he doesn't know whats going to happen now with his wife and all that is going on and won't lie to us. I was so excited anyway, because he is committed and will get baptised.
> Brother Bernstein is a little hard. His wife loves him so much that when we start teaching pushes him really hard and he clams up. So, the teach was not going well until we remembered what sister Carlson had said, "just tell him you want to practice your swedish by teaching the lessons" So, I said, I can't speak swedish very well and need to practice. Can we just teach you so that we can practice. It was awsome, he laughed and said it was ok and the tension in the room dissapeared. He was really open after that and we were able to talk. I think that is the most I have ever heard him speak. So, we will begin teaching him this week. Listen to the members (especially the relief society president), they know what they are saying.
> The English class went really well. Rikard came and we just had fun talking on the U.S. Government.
> Also Helana a less active who is a little mentally ill, was there. She has opened up a lot. At one time she had a restraining order against the Missionaries, but now wants to be taught about the book of Mormon. She loves english and that is what helped her come out of her shell.
> Sunday we were low on people (10 including us). So, we went less active hunting. It was lots of fun. We started at one end of town and ended at the other.
> Sorry, this is a really long e-mail, but it is fun to write.
> Thank you all for the letters, and ha det cool! (I don't know how they spell it, but you would be surprised the influence the U.S culture has over here).(oh yeah, we almost scared an American teen half to death when we said hi the other day, as she said, "because nobody in sweden says hi to someone they don't know).
> Mvh
> Äldste Grindstaff
> ps. Thank you for the Trick or Treat sign, it is hanging up in the apartment right now and will be used.

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, September 28 2009

> Hola everyone!
> I just love this area and my new companion hna Vera. I have been so blessed to have the best companions in the mission and I`m so grateful. My first full day in the area we found a young family (with a little baby) to teach who are so prepared it`s incredible. They came to church on Sunday, with just one invitation from us, and after the meetings asked if they could have a Book of Mormon. They are going to be baptized soon I do believe. :) The ward here is also really great. The bishop and his wife and our ward mission leader are so involved in helping us with the missionary work. They even have little cars that they use to bring investigators to church in (cars here are rare. The most common way to travel is by bus or Moto)
> I feel so happy and excited about the work in this area and I know we are going to have a lot of success. I know there are families that have waited years to have the gospel in their lives here in this area and we are going to find them. I know that this is the work of the Lord and that if we do our part we will be guided to those who are ready to hear the gospel.
> My spanish is improving greatly with my new companion and I`m grateful for that. I didn`t think I could go so long without english, but really I don`t even notice it. I still don`t have an incredibly broad vocabulary, but the words I don`t know my companion has the incredible ability to fill in for me when we talk in the streets. Yesterday I was telling her a story about something that happened with my second companion and realized I didn`t know all the words I wanted to use. My companion filled in all the words I didn`t know and I learned a lot. I`m actually having a hard time speaking in english without throwing in spanish words now. it`s funny to read the things I write in my journal. It`s a lot of spanglish.
> Oh, I had quite an experience this week that gave me quite a fright. We were doing contacts on the way to a lesson and a couple waved to us in their house. This to us was an invitation to speak to them and not wanting to turn in down we went over to them. They invited us in and then we learned that the man of the house was baptized 10 years ago, but has since joined a church in town because he believes the Lord had something more for him to do. We taught them the restoration with emphasis that this is the only church with authority and invited them to pray. They didn`t seem to understand at all. Anyway, before we left they wanted to say a prayer (which we always do after lessons) and we thought it was a great way to invite the spirit. Well, they grabbed our hands and then he proceeded to shout and talk really fast and his wife began muttering under her breath. We were really stunned by this and I just wanted to leave. I was a little frightened to be honest. It`s a little sad that something as beautiful as prayer can be changed to something very dramatic and showy.
> I know this is the true church and that we have a loving Heavenly Father that wants to hear from us. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, that the Book of Mormon is true and that we have a living prophet today. I am looking forward to conference because it is wonderful to hear what the Lord wants to tell us through the mouth of His servents.
> I love you all lot`s
> love, hna Grindstaff
> p.s. Isaac, how did your lesson with the spanish lady go? :)

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, September 23 2009

> Hola familia,
> Guess what, it`s changes again and I`m getting another companion and leaving my first area. I definitely cried because I just love Progreso so much and the people there. As I was sitting in lessons yesterday sometimes the tears would just come to my eyes and I couldn`t stop them. I love my companion hermana Rogers (who goes home in December), but I know I`ll love my new companion hermana Vera also. Hermana Vera is a latina from Chille, so my english days are over for a while (except e-mails)... it should be interesting. I`m excited to get to work. Oh, my new area is Pasa de los Toros. it`s about 4 hours north of Montevideo by a lot of rivers. I hear it`s pretty.
> I`ve learned so much in Progreso and I`m so grateful I got to serve in that little area. Our last convert, Lorena, met us in the grocery store (we were doing something for president Sueldo there) and she told us that we will always have a special place in her heart and she wants me to be there in a year when she goes through the temple. (If I`m still here it might work out). I also saw Ernesto, our other recent convert that I found with hna. Wilson. He is doing great (he got the priesthood a few weeks ago), but his health is not so good. He`s been told that he doesn`t have much longer to live. For that reason they told us that I couln`t tell him I was leaving Progreso. (they`re worried about his health). Ernesto is great and often tells us that he is perservering to the end.
> Irene, the woman we found a few weeks ago that wanted to commit suicide, is doing wonderful and has started coming to church and her daughter and her family are now listening to the lessons. It`s just a miracle how the Lord puts us in peoples paths (and them in ours) in their time of need.
> We have a few new investigators in Progreso that I think are just wonderful. One is named Natalia and she is reading and praying about the things we`ve taught her and is planning on coming to church (which is often the hardest thing to get people to commit to do. But, I`ve found that those who read in the Book of Mormon and pray about it are the ones who have the desires to go to church). At the end of our lesson with Natalia she said the closing prayer (a beautiful, simple prayer) and then started to cry.
> Ah, and then we have a little girl investigator whose mom is a less active of many years that we found in a little villa. We had a Noche de Hogar with them (FHE) and it was so fun playing games with the three little kids. We did Simon Says and sang songs. It was great. (We also did an object lesson with blue food coloring that left my hands all blue for a while)
> This week we also had Elder Bowen and his wife come to talk to us. It was amazing and I feel even more strongly that we can have one baptism every week here if we just excercise our faith and go to work (and are obedient... obedience is everything). He also told us something that I thought was pretty great. Speaking to the hermana`s he said- when a nice young man asks you to marry him you need to say, "honey, can you explain to me the oath and covenant of the Melcezadek (I can`t spell it) priesthood?" He said if they couldn`t explain it then it was time to say adios.
> I just love the mission and I know this is the work of the Lord. I know that Jesus is the Chist and that he lives and is the head of this church. I know we have a living prophet in the world today, Thomas S. Monson. What a blessing it is to have the gospel in my life and wonderful parents. I did a contact on the bus today with a woman and I was talking to her about the family. I told her about my angel mother and father who prayed with us everynight and read the scriptures with us. The woman I talked to was very sweet (and doesn`t live in my area, but I wrote down her direction) and I can tell she cares a lot for her little family.
> I love you all so much.
> love, hna Grindstaff
> p.s. you asked about my favorite food here and the recipe. If you want to try a little of what I`m getting here it`s really simple. Just pour about half a container of oil on whatever your making and whala, you have Uruguayan food. It`s great. :) I`m trying not to eat it when I can aviod it. I do really like arroz con leche though.
> p.s.s. Keep that kitchen clean Isaac! ha ha

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, September 22 2009

> Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 14:01:13 +0000
> It is kind of wierd having p-day on tuesday. It will be on tuesday next week to, for the same reason (I will be in Älghult). The leaves here are really starting to turn now, and everyone tells me that this weather is unnaturally nice. They say that normally it is cold and rainy all the time this time of year. This past week we taught Magid and his friend Saeid. Magid said that now that ramadan is over he wants to have us over for an Iranian meal. I'm excited. Also yesterday we taught the Muslim family up in Älghult. They are there waiting to see if they can stay in Sweden. They have 5 children (ages 7-13) and come from Lebanon. They have come here because they want their children to grow up away from the violence and don't want to have to be scared for them every day they go to school. Brother Bernstein (I'm not sure how that is spelled) is probably our most positive investigator now. His wife is a member and has been almost her whole life. He comes to church every Sunday and he just has a problem with baptism. Sitting there and talking to them on Sunday (She is one of the few members that feeds us) I felt so sad for sister Bernstein. She wants so bad to go to the Temple and be cealed to her husband, but he is not a member. So, we will focus on him, he lives the gospel already he just needs to be baptised.
> Scott has asked me what my favorite food is here, I don't really know. Princess Torta is really good (princess cake), but what I eat most of the time is whatever we have in the apartment. Usually tomatoe soup with spices (Salt, Pepper, etc.) over noodles with meetballs (store bought). or rice and homemade gravy. Something new that we just tried is gravy over french fries, with a hamburger patty. (Mom I made the Hambergers your way and my companion liked them) Now that I think about it my favorite food has to be the Kebob pizzas they have here. It is some kind of lamb meet on a pizza with lettuce and onions and pretty much anything depending on the kind of pizza. (they have what they call hawaii which has bananas on it). (I like the one with Kebab, red onions, lettuce and french fries) Then they have what they call kebab sauce that goes over the top. I only get it once a week, but it is good.
> Keep working hard with all that Missionary work there and remember who you all are. Smile and Thank you all for your letters.
> Thanks for the spiritual tidbits mom, they are awesome.
> Dad keep up the good work, yes the kitchen here is clean and I think it is amazing how just having a clean kitchen makes the whole apartment look cleaner, of course our kitchen is a big part of our apartment.
> Sandra, you should be proud, I cleaned the bathroom today.
> Mvh (it is swedish for I can't remember what, but basically it means sincerely)
> Äldste Grindstaff

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, September 16 2009

> Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 14:11:14 +0000
> What's up all of you people out there. I am just great. This has been an awesome week. First, I am staying in Växjö and am not the greenie in the zone any more. (as of tomorrow) We taught a lot of people this week and I will start at the begining.
> Last Saturday we tried to go to Älghult, but once again we ended up on the wrong bus and ended up in the middle of nowhere. (there were about 10 houses). Anyway we went around and asked people, "do you know when the buss comes back" they all just told us to look at the schedule at the buss stop. Well we had and there was none. So, we walked the couple of kilometers to the next stop and fortunatly there was a Schedule. Well we were there and so we decided to make the best of it and tract. The first house we talked to an athiest and had a really nice conversation, at least my companion did. Anyway then the bus came and we came home. It was a fun trip.
> that night we taught the less active from El salvidor and Magid. both lessons were awesome. Elba came to Church again and I am so happy. We went to Älghult again on Monday, we made it that time. there is a Family there that is willing to be taught, and we will go back next week on monday (sorry, but I will write on Tuesday). Yesterday was by far the best day.
> We went to Teleborg (just outside of Växjö) and found some past investigators. Then we taught Elba again. There is such a difference in her. She seems happier, and she enjoys our teaches. That is what going to Church does for you, so keep going. It makes a difference. Right after Elba's teach the phone rang and it was a man who had been out of touch with us for the last two months. (I had never met him) His name is Danny and he is British and used to be in the British royal airforce. He was also a really successful business man, but his life has fallen apart, and is really hard for him now. He talked with us for a long time and he is a really smart man. I learned a lot from him. He said that even though its hard he just needs to get up and do something. Otherwse even though he asks The Lord will not help. We talked for a long time and he pretty much told us that the Church is true and only wishes that he had listened the first time. He said he liked a girl in his class and walked home with her. She told him she was LDS and told him a little about it. He has investigated the church on and off in his life and he is grateful for and remembers all those members he has met. (Be a good example people do watch and don't be afraid to open your mouth, you never now how it will affect people). He said that there comes a time when a man must stop asking questions and just say, "is it good, and do I want it" and then go. He is a really cool guy.
> I love you all lots, and by the way sandra we are setting up an appointment with a lady who only speaks spanish, Help!
> Love Äldste Grindstaff

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, September 14 2009

> Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 22:24:19 +0000
> Hola Familia,
> This e-mail is being written a little late because we are doing part of our p-day today and part on Wed. (because we are going to the temple on Wed.)
> Well, I have some exciting news for all of you, we are seeing miracles right and left here everyday. This last week our mission president spoke to us and told us that our goal is to have one baptism every week. When we heard this a few weeks ago we had a hard time believing it was possible, but me and my companion felt strongly that this was a goal given to us from the Lord, so we put as our weekly goal 1 baptism even though we didn´t have a date set with anybody for this last week. When we put the goal I felt like it was going to happen if we did our part and showed our faith because the Lord gave us this goal through our mission president. Well, last p-day we had a call from a woman of 28 years who called to tell us she wanted to hear the lessons again and asked us how long it would take before she would be ready for baptism. This girl has come to church many times and has listened to the missionaries for many years, but never committed to baptism. We started teaching her the next day and felt like we were supposed to commit her to baptism for the coming Saturday. She asked us if it was too soon, but we told her to pray about this baptismal date, and to make the story a little shorter... SHE GOT BAPTIZED! It was such a miracle and I know it´s because we put our trust in the Lord.
> We´ve started working in another little village in our area called Vista Linda and we´ve taught so many people there. I thought I´d seen all of my area (because I´ve been here for so long), but it turns out there was this golden area (all the villages are golden actually :) that I´ve never seen before. Our first time out there we were let in almost every home we knocked on to teach (that´s rare even for Progeso). We found one woman named Natalia who we taught for the second time today and she is just so sweet. She prayed to know if Joseph Smith was a prophet and read the entire folleto (pamphlet I think it´s called in english). It´s just so great to see how the gospel blesses peoples lives. People want to know the purpose to their lives on this planet and it´s so amazing that I have the opportunity to teach them these things. I love teaching people that God loves his children and has called a prophet to lead and guide us today.
> We taught a woman yesterday that was a little more of a challenge because she wants to know the truth of the things we teach her, but isn´t willing to do the things it takes to receive an answer. She asked us a lot of questions and one of them really made me think. She asked us if God loves us why do we have so much suffering in the world (she also asked if mormons were all rich)... we get these type of questions from many people, but this time I opened my mouth and really began teaching about the purpose to life. I know life is difficult, but I know that the purpose to life is to learn and grow and gain experience.
> Oh, my comanion just reminded me of a really neat experience that I almost forgot about.
> We were walking down a road when we saw an old woman carrying her groceries. We offered to help her because she looked like it was heavy. Turns out that she was a nun from the big catholic church we had just walked by in the middle of a huge field. We talked to he for a little while and she let us carry her groceries for her. She took us back to where she lives and we got to sing and say a prayed with her and another nun. They were so nice and invited us to come back anytime to talk with them. It was such an uplifting experience and one I´ll never forget.
> I love the gospel and the mission. I wish I could write stories for hours about things that have happened here, but alas, I haven´t got time.
> I love you all so much and I´m grateful for all you do for me.
> love, hna Grindstaff
> p.s. I got the packages and I must say, I love the washing plunger you sent. My companion thought it was a hoot.
> p.s.s Isaac, I missed reading your e-mail last week. Keep up the good work. I love you.

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, September 7 2009

> Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2009 12:53:28 +0000
> Don't worry mom, you did it right, and it is pronounced just like hey.
> I forgot to tell you all that we finnally made it to Älghult (it was funny because Älg means elk or moose there were a lot of signs with a picture of a moose and hult after it. It took me a while to get it)
> We taught Tetteh and his friend and will go back tomorrow to teach them again. They are really positive, and Tetteh can remember the missionaries were really nice in Gana. I am really glad they set a good example.They live in a little town out in the middle of no where, but it is really nice. We checked out the woods and it is mostly pine trees with a lot of moss on the ground. Rikard, an investigator, told us 17 percent of the woods are covered in blue berry bushes, It is true, but they are wild and smaller than yours Mom. They only grow a little above ankle height, for the most part.
> Thank you so much and by the way P-day next week is on Wednsday, so don't be to dissapointed when I don't write on Monday.
> Love you lots
> your son Äldste Grindstaff.

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, September 7 2009

> Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2009 12:36:00 +0000
> Hejsan alla, (by the way the title says from the greenest city in europe, yes I live there it is their biggest tourist pitch). Dad thank you for telling me about the scores from the game, but I think Scott watched it. I actually explained a little about football in the english class on Thursday and told everyone to root for BYU, so it will be nice to tell them they are winning.
> The package, well I have been craving grahm (I don't know how to spell it) crackers and I can't think of much else I really want. Maybe classical music. Maybe a few simple halloween decorations. It would be really cool for an english class, or branch activity.
> This week has been fun. we had the best of days and the worst of days, but it turned out ok. We found a family from Georgia that can speak only a little swedish and Georgian and Russian. Unfortunatly we can't find anything in Georgian, so we will use Russian. It is surprising how many people here can't speak swedish. Most of the people in my area are from the middle east, and there are lots of Muslims here. (Right now my companion is speaking english to a German couple on vacation here). Sometimes it is frustrating, I am in Sweden, but nobody speaks Swedish, and then we go tracting or contacting and I feel better.
> We had a meeting with the Stake representative to get us and the branch ready for the open house in a couple of weeks. I'm excited and we also leaned that we really need to reactivate here. So, that shall we do. In fact we got Elba, a less active lady from some where in south America, (yes Sandra she speaks spanish) she has been here for 6-10 years and only been to church here once, to come this sunday. It was Awsome and it was nice to hear a little child in Sacrament meeting.
> It is lots more fun going contacting now. I can understand for the most part and can participate in the contact. Me and my companion went for 2 days talking only swedish. It was really fun, I love speaking swedish.
> Thank you all for your letters
> Love Äldste Grindstaff

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, August 31 2009

> Hola familia,
> It has been another incredibly busy week here. Starting with last Monday... here it goes, After writing you an e-mail we got on a bus to come home and the bus driver dropped us off at a stop out of town even though we were ready for the last stop in town. So, we thanked him regardless of the inconveniance and hurried to the grocery store to get a few things we needed. While I was standing in one of the aisles a woman came up to me holding her baby and began talking to me. Taking this opportunity to contact her I began to ask her if she`d ever talked to missionaries before. She said she invited them over once, but wasn`t home when they came by, but would like us to come by. (she didn`t have to ask me twice). She was such a miracle and we did make it back to teach her. She`s great.
> Wed. we had our english class for the first time in a while and had a bunch of little kids (not all members) come to class. I`ve never had so much fun teaching in my life. One of the little girls, a five year old, was just adorable and even though she doesn`t write too well loves the class. I hope one day all these kid`s remember fond memories of english class and get baptized. :)
> Thursday was just full of miracles. As we were walking to our lessons that we had planned in a little villa we were contacting people in the street, even though we were running a little late to our many plans that we had. As we were trying to make our way to our lesson (and contacting people on the way which slows us down quite a bit) we had a woman come up to us and start talking. We learned that she was a member that was baptized back when she was young, but hasn`t been in contact with the church for many many years. She has 5 kids who are not all members because her husband won`t let them have anything to do with religion. He ripped up her bibles and Book of Mormon, so she was also without those for a long time too. It was such a miracle that we found her. I gave her one of the Book of Mormons I brought with me and then we invited her to the activity that me and my companion planned (a talent show and dessert compatition). After this contact we moved on about our plans. The next day, Friday, we had our activity and guess who showed up with her kids... this woman we met in the street. It was such a miracle. She also showed up at church on Sunday.
> The activity was a huge success. We made American treats (cookies and brownies) for the desserts and everyone loved them. The last activity me and my companion did was not as successful as this one, but I think the warmer weather (and the invitations mixed with our enthusiasm) helped a lot. Some of our investigators came and everyone really enjoyed it. Also peoples enthusiasm to help with missionary work in this area has really increased. (We`ve really been working on using the members a lot more lately and teaching them things they can do to help. They love it and we`re seeing more miracles.)
> One funny thing about the activity that we had...
> One recent convert wanted to do a talent. We thought he was just going to sing a hymn because he asked me to play the song "God be with you till we meet again" for him, but he had more plans. He read the entire section of DyC where Joseph Smith dies (very dramitically) and then had me play the song while he sang. It was very interesting because near the end of the song he set a chair up by the front wall that the pulpit is attached to and at the end of the song he jumped up on the chair and jumped off with much emotion. I tried not to laugh, but nobody but me and my companion seemed to think this was odd or inappropriate. This recent convert is really great and especially entertaining (he used to be evangelist, which explains a lot of his enthusiasm).
> I love the mission and I am learning so much. I`m learning how to be happy and not to be stressed all the time (yes, that is something I have to teach myself). I want so much to be perfect and it`s frustrating when I constantly fall short of this impossible goal. I`m learning though...
> I love the gospel and I know this is the true church on the earth. I know the Savior lives and made my happiness possible. This is the Lord`s work and I know he`s guiding it along.
> I love you all. Thanks for your e-mails.
> Isaac, thank you for your e-mails too. I love reading about what your doing in Sweden. I love you lot`s and I`m so proud of you.
> Love you
> hna. Grindstaff

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, August 31 2009

> Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 14:36:56 +0000
> So, sorry I havn't written a lot lately, but my branch is pretty small (70 members with 15-20 that come every week) we are in a really cool house that looks kind of like a barn (that is what real swedish houses look like) It is my favorite building. We are teaching around 13 lessons a week shooting for 15, but as of last week we will try for 20. We are going to focus on the less actives in the Branch. The language is a little easier now, but like I have said everyone here can speak english and love to speak english with us. It is really frustrating some times. Our apartment is small a livingroom and bedroom rolled into one, kitchen and Bathroom. I like it though. it makes life easy. (I hope that answers your questions)
> This week we tried to go to a little town called Älghult. It didn't work out to well. We got on the bus (an improvement from the last time we tried, for some reason on the weekends the bus changes) My companion even started to talk to a really nice swede. She was from a town somewhere in northern sweden studying in Växjö. She was on her way home for a visit. She talked to us the whole way to her stop mostly about why we decided to serve missions and why they sent us here. (she talked really fast and it was hard to understand her:). It was really fun and we even gave her The Book of Mormon. After that we road on until we realised we had gone to far and had left our area (good thing my companion is the district leader). Anyway we were stuck in a really pretty, but small town for an hour till the next bus and we missed our teach. Luckily the man is really patient and we will try again on Friday. (Cross your fingers or, as swedes do it, hold your thumbs that we can make it).
> It is turning to fall here already. It is starting to get cold and the leaves are starting to change and fall. Hopefully it won't happen to fast. I must admit I enjoyed coming home at 9:00 with the sun still up and what not.
> I made granola again today, only better because I remembered to put in the butter. I really like it. Every morning I have half granola half corn flakes mixed with yogurt. It is really good, you should try it.
> The people here are really nice and I like it here a lot. The members love to help with my swedish, mostly just Anna-Len. (something different here, Members here go by first name in church and not brother or sister followed by their last name). We are going to try to start a Family home evening class for the young single adults here, so if you have ideas I would be grateful.
> I'm glad that you are all doing so well. It sounds like fun having a full house, and school again. Keep up the good work. Mom, it sounds like you need sleep. Dad you should be proud, all of your kitchen cleaning has rubbed off on me and I just have to have a clean kitchen. Call me wierd, but the whole apartment seems cleaner with a clean kitchen.
> Thank you for your letters, and the Gospel is true and the Lord is there to pick you up when you fall. If anything I have fallen on my face enough to know that. If I could just get it across to some of our investigators that God is there and does care. Testimonies are great for answering that question, so keep yours well used and close. SMA, why? because they work.
> I love you all a lot and hope everything goes smoothly. Dad I am with sandra, a new house would be nice, but I love saying I come from Texas, so well even if you move out I will say that.
> Love Äldste Grindstaff

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, August 24 2009

> Hola familia,
> Thank you so much for the uplifting letters from your time at youth conference. I enjoy reading about the things you`ve been learning. It is so uplifting. It`s also nice to know how my siblings are doing. (congrats Aaron for being section leader. That`s awesome... and Anita, acting like a manicane in a store window souns exciting.:)
> So today my e-mail is being written a little later because we had a special zone activity and meeting that took up just about the whole day. We were supposed to be going to a beach by a river somewhere in the forest here in Uruguay, but it turned out to be just one long hike to nowhere. :) We started out alright making our way through (or fighting our way through would be more accurate) the thick trees and walked for over and hour. It was really muddy and the trees were really thick (kind of like hiking through the swamps of Louisiana I imagine). After realizing we were all lost and weren`t going to find a place to have a meeting, we decided to head back. We were so incredibly lost. We sang a song and said a prayer after we`d been wondering for a while and then the elders had a brilliant idea to let "the hermanas" lead the way. So there I was, one of the four hermanas, leading the group of lost missionaries through the mud and the trees with absolutely no idea where to go. I was hilarious because in my lost state I hear the elders behind me saying "follow the hermana`s, They`ll get us out of here. :) We eventually did make our way out okay, hence the reason your getting this e-mail. If we were still lost it would be difficult to write to you.
> This week was really great. I love my companion a lot and I`m learning so much from her. We had a pretty funny experience (we have experiences from time to time that just make us giggle)... and this experience had to do with food. We were in the home of an old lady that we had found last week and had just finished the second lesson, when she asked us if we wanted a treat. She had no idea that we had already baked ourselves a feast in the microwave earlier that day (because this was last p-day) and were stuffed full. We told her no, but then she told us that she had bought this cake because she knew we`d be coming. ugh, so we had to give in. She cut huge pieces of this cake for us and we stared at them in agony and began to eat them. (she also poured us both large glasses full of coke, which is also something very special here. You all know that I don`t like soda, so you can imagine that this was difficult for me to see). When she left the room my companion did me a favour and poured the coke back into the container for me and hid part of her cake in her back pack. When the nice old woman came back she poured me more coke and gave us both another large piece of cake. I could have cried, but instead I giggled with my companion about the awful circumstance we were in. We felt pretty sick after this because even though I tried to hide my cake in my book bag, I was not completely successful.
> Okay, so I`ve spent most of this time writing about not very uplifting things that have happened this week, but I want you all to know that I know this gospel is true and that this is the Lord`s work. I love you all so much and hope to share some more uplifting experiences with you in my letter home.
> Love you all!
> hna. Grindstaff
> p.s. Mom and dad, If you feel like it`s time to move then I look forward to coming home to a new home. I will be praying for dad to find a job and that all will work out according to the Lord`s will.

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, August 24 2009

> Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 11:33:02 +0000
> Well once again I have very little time. We have a teach in 45 minutes and the bike is broken, so we will have to walk. Anyway Swedish is comming along fine. I can follow most of the conversations now. We have 3 new members of our branch now. Marina was confirmed and we have a young couple that moved in from Malmö. Marina is an awsome person, it's hard to believe what her life was like before and how much of a change the gospel has made in her life. She was definatly prepared for the gospel. The new couple was really nice and had us over for dinner. we had stroganof (however it's spelled) and apple pie. It was very good. I am trying to get a little more out of my shell and talk to more people, for example on the bus. I met and had a really nice Lady on her way to Norland. (northern sweden) My companion is awsome at talking to people, and he finds most of the potential investigators. Eventually I will be as good as him.
> I figured out what I did wrong in the muffins. I was using baking soda instead of baking powder. I felt so stupid after I realised that, but the next batch turned out awsome. I really want to go to a bakery some time though. Maybe if we have time today we can. I hope.
> We have a fruit fly infestation in our kitchen. We took out the trash and cleaned everything, but they are still there. Aparantly they can live off of bleached counters and what not. We even tried vacuuming them up, but our vacuum does not have enough suction. Eventually we will get rid of them.
> Time to run, Thank you for the letters and I love you all.
> Just keep going, and Dad I will smile
> Äldste Grindstaff

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, August 18 2009

> Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 16:28:09 +0000
> Sorry I didn't e-mail yesterday. Marina's Baptism is today and we cleaned the font yesterday and made an Apple pie with Bosco. It was a lot of fun, and even tasted good. Thank you for the recipies mom the Brownies are awsome. Although I can't seem to make muffins they have a really horrible aftertaste. Can you help? Anyway the man from the library is a golden investigator. Yes Dad I love riding bikes it is so much more efficiant, but one of them broke yet again. So, it takes half an hour at least to get anywhere. (The peddle fell off). I got to go to K-stad (I can't spell it) and go on splits and even saw the baltic sea. I really need to get going people will be getting here soon. and the font is almost full.
> I love you all and Happy Birthday Mom and Dad!
> Give my condolences to Sister Hanson.
> Congratulations Sam and Emily!
> Har det så bra (have it so good)
> Äldste Grindstaff
> ps tell Chelle thank you for the letter, some time she will get a reply

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, August 17 2009

> Hola!
> Another Monday, another p-day. Last week we had it on Wed. because of companion changes (incase you were wondering). Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY mom and dad... or maybe I should say FELIZE CUMPLEAÑOS madre y padre!
> This week has been really busy with changes and all. I`m on my fourth companion (if you count the one I had in the MTC) and you would think I`d be used to changes, but they are still a little challenging for me. My companion is great though. I tried to attach a photo of me and my last two companions. The one with three of us is 1st me, my last companion, hna Wilson, and then my companion now, hna Rogers.
> The baptism we had last week was great and this last Sunday Ernesto was baptized. He was so happy about it and I was pretty happy also. :) Hopefully we`ll be able to see more baptisms this change. We`ve had a few great contacts... one with a woman who invited us in her home and she and both her daughters listened to the lesson. They were so great and I really think they will progress. We have a few pretty good investigators and I really hope the that they will all progress to baptism.
> It`s been a little hard in this area lately and I feel a great desire to help this branch here. (the branch here is small and struggling). Sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed, but then I realize this is the Lord`s work and he will guide us to know what to do to leave this area better then we found it.
> Congrats to Sam and Emily. I`m so exited to be an aunt of 21.
> Love you all
> hna. Grindstaff
> p.s. the e-mail site sometimes has problems, did you get my e-mail from last Wed. ?
> p.s.s Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Haaaaappy Beeerthday dear mom and daaaad, HAAAAPPY BEEEERTHDAY TOOOOOOO Youuuuu!!! (pretend I`m singing it in my most beautiful singing voice. I love you.

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, August 12 2009

> Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 13:26:25 +0000
> Hola familia,
> Things are great here and don`t worry that I haven`t gotten my packages yet. I haven`t received any letters for a while either and it`s because our district hasn`t been bringing the box like they are supposed to every week. Ah well. I imagine I`ll get the package and letters at the next zone meeting in a week and a half.
> This past week has been so full of miracles and experiences it`s hard to know where to begin. So, to start off, I got bit by a dog. Yes, one of the millions of dogs here attacked my leg while we were contacting a house. I cried a little (mostly from the shock of having been bitten) and when the owner of the dog came out my companion contacted her and shared a little intro to the gospel with her (while I stood to the side crying a little while staring at my leg) The woman felt pretty bad and put antibacterial on my leg and then we went on our way. I don`t know if I`ve told you this, but I`ve decided I just don`t like dogs. There are so many dogs here you wouldn`t believe it and every single one of them barks at us. Ah, I could write this whole e-mail about dogs, but I think I`ll move on.
> We had a baptism yesterday! The man that was baptized is named Ernesto and he is an older man that me and hna. Wilson found in a little villa called Juanico. Ernesto really wanted to be baptized and told many times that he needed to be baptized, even though he is almost 74 and has bad health. His baptism went really well and after he was baptized he bore his testimony. He told everyone that for his whole life he has been Ernesto Aldolfo Días, but now he is Ernesto Aldolfo Días with a new perspective on life. It is really amazing to see how prepared he was to be baptized. He soaked up everything we taught him and even did the reading (even though his eyes are really bad and it`s hard for him). It was a great experience.
> We had many miracles on Sunday. We had investigators in church that have never come before and we found and taught an entire family in a house. This family that we found was great... we contacted two of the family members outside their house and then went on our way down the dirt road to another lesson that we had planned when two little boys started running down the road after us yelling "hermanas, hermana`s!" the family wanted us to come inside and sing them a song (because they heard us sing outside). It turned out that the mother of the family was a woman that I had talked to at a bus stop a while ago. I didn`t remember talking to her too well because I talk to a lot of people, but she remembered me telling her a little about my family and chatting with her. It was a neat experience.
> I have so many more great experiences this week finding new people to teach. The Lord is really guiding us to people... it is a lot of work to find them sometimes, but after a long struggle and a lot of work the Lord places us where we need to be to find his prepared children.
> I love this work and I love the gospel. I know the church is true and that the Savior is the head of this church. What a blessing it has been in my life.
> I have a new companion as of today. her name is hna. Rogers and it turns out that her and my comp. that is going home were companions. They loved eachother a lot and are so excited that we are companions now.
> Anyway, I love you all a lot and I`ll be sure to write more stories in a letter. (that will get sent as soon as they bring the box. It might be a while. :)
> I love you!
> hna. Grindstaff

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, August 10 2009

> Life is good here. Dad it is possible that I could get sent to an area with a car, but most of the areas are bike or foot. Mom yes I can listen to music, Kennith Cope is good, and EFY, Tabernacle Choir and any appropriate swedish songs, and some blank cd's and I can copy my companions. Eventually I will copy one of the cd's we found in our apartment, Disney songs in swedish, for you all. (something cool just happened, a man just walked up to us, as in 2 seconds ago, asked if we are mormon missionaries and wants to meet us tomorrow). (by the way Patrick P-day we shop, clean, write home, and sight see when we have time). I'm not picky but church songs are definatly welcome. Candy here, well the chocolate is awsome and only costs about 20 crowns ($3.00) or less (everything is a little more expensive here). Last week I got some really good swiss Chocolate for 14 kronor. Maybe if I'm nice I'll send some home. The fruit is very good and grows everywhere.
> There was a festival this week celebrating all the people who moved out of Sweden when it was a poor country. It was pretty sweet, and so my companion and I decided to try something new that worked in Göteborg. We made a "Fråga Mormonar om vad som helst. Men vi vet inte allt" sign, (ask the mormons about anything, Small print, but we don't know everything). It worked a little and we decided to gove it another try saturday. Just when we were about to give up the newspaper came and got our picture and asked some questions. The photographer thought it was a prank because my companion is so good at swedish, that is until he saw proof. (I'll sent the paper home) Anyway at least people saw us. Magid is a really awsome person to teach. I went on splits with the Zone leaders and went to teach him (in english) He asked how can I know if its true. I told him to read and pray and told him I had done it and got my answer. He said, "Really what was it" it threw me off a little bit but I recovered and answered and then Äldste Dawson bailed me out.
> Sunday the second counciler in the Malmö stake prestidency came down and so I didn't give my talk but will next week. Anyway he quoted Elder Holland when someone asked would you give your life to the Lord and he said, (paraphrasing) I thought I already had.
> Also seek true happiness.
> Love Äldste Grindstaff
> Ps. send envelopes.

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, August 3rd 2009

> Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 17:53:54 +0000
> Hola Mom, dad, and family!
> It has been another good week that seemed to go by really fast. On Tuesday we had intercambios (which is where we switch companions for a day) and I got to go to a city called San José. I was with a sister who I met in the MTC named hna Bull. She left three weeks after I entered the MTC to come to Uruguay. Anyway, it was great to see what a big city is like for a day and work in a new area, but I must say, it was good to return to my little area. I didn`t realize, until I left Progreso for a while, how at home I feel here. My companion told me I`ll feel that way about all my areas almost as soon as I arrive. I guess this really is where I`m supposed to be right now.
> To answer some of those questions for you-
> we do ride a lot of busses, but we also do a lot of walking. And, I wish I could say I haven`t gained a pound here, but to be honest... my skirts are fitting a little better now then they used to. It`s partly because the people feed us a lot of food and also because me and my companion love making stuff in the microwave. We are some pretty great cooks. :) Last night my companion looked at me while I was making rice pudding and she was making potato cake (that we invented and love) and said in a very cheesy voice "look at us... making eachother fat, aww" I really haven`t gained much weight though and I do owe that to all the walking we do.
> We had some great experiences this last week. We`ve have been trying to use the Book of Mormon and the resoration more in our contacting and we`ve found some great people. It has been hard finding new people to teach lately because we`ve been spending most of our time in areas that have been worked in a lot, but lately we`ve been trying to get to the areas that haven`t seen missionaries for a while and it`s been great. We found one woman this week in one of these new area´s who told us she was a Roman Catholic. She`s spent a lot of time looking for the right church and investigated many churches, but eventually gave up and went back to the catholic church. She told us she has been praying to know the right way that she should go... ah, it was so amazing to stand in her yard and tell her about the restoration and to bear our testimonies of the Book of Mormon. She wasn`t interested in listening to us at first, but by the end she was touched and wanted to read the Book of Mormon (which we usually don`t give out on a contact, but this time we did). I know if she reads and prays about it that she will learn for herself that it is true and that the things we taught her were true.
> I know the gospel is true and that this is the work of the Lord. It isn`t always easy, but it is always worth it. My companion is great and is getting ready to leave for her home in one week. (I`m killing off yet another companion. ugh) I will miss her a lot because she is such a great example to me. It`s hard letting companions go like this...
> About your talk dad... I have been reading in 3rd Nephi lately and I read about the rising generation that had such a negative effect on their parents and on everybody. Because of them many tragedies accured. On the other hand, there are the example of the stripling warriors and what a great blessing they were to everybody. They saved many lives and saw many miracles. What is the difference? standards, values,... the things the pamphlet "For the strength of youth" talks about.
> Well, I better go.
> I love you al mucho.
> hna. Grindstaff

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, August 3rd 2009

> Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 13:10:02 +0000
> Life is going well here. I think we might actually have a normal P-day for once. It feels really nice, and I finnally got my Library card, so I am all set. The weather here is really nice and it rains a lot but does not get as humid as Texas even though I am pretty much on an island. I think its because it doesn't get as hot here. Some days it feels like fall here. Most people are still on vacation, and the sun is starting to go down at 9:30-10:00 instead of 10:30. My companion is from New York (state not city) and is really good at Swedish. He has been out for a little over a year. He cooks most of the food and I do dishes. However, I made brownies today and am excited to get to eat them. The members are great and I have a talk on the Book of Mormon this comming sunday and a Lesson in priesthood the sunday after that. (by the way mom it is from ch. 39 of the Joseph Smith manuel on the reliefsociety, so you can give me some info.) There are a lot of inactives in the branch we will try to meet and especially the youth. (Right now none of the youth come.) As far as active investigators we have Marina (who has a baptisimal date), Magid (who came to church on sunday,and is the student from Iran), and Mikael. There are lots of others I have not met yet also, and we are focusing a lot on finding. We teach about 12 lessons a week, and we are shooting for 15. Yesterday we taught a man from Iraq who understands almost no swedish or english. It was really hard, but we will meet him again with his friend who speaks English and Arabic. (we pretty much just gave him the Arabic Book of Mormon and asked him to read) You would be surprised how many people don't speak swedish or english.
> A quick story Friday as we were getting ready to go to bed we had a little visitor. I was writing in my journal when my companion said, "don't move" of course I was surprised until he told me there was an hedge hog was in our apartment. We are on the ground floor and had left the balcony door open for air. Well the hedghog thought our apartment was nice and came in. We immediatly got a camera, a bucket, and a broom. We took pictures and swept it into the bucket and took it out side. It was lots of fun.
> I've got to run but if you are wonering how people pronounce my name here is how it was spelled on the board sunday. Äldste greenstaf. Sandra it is almost like how it is down there.
> hejdå, Jag alskar er mycket
> Äldste Grindstaff.

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, July 27 2009

Sorry about last week we had a busy schedule. Today also actually. Saturday my bike tire popped on the way home and we had to leave it in front of the swimming hall. So, today when we went out to fix it we just missed our buss and what normally takes five minutes by bus took half an hour. But, now it is fixed. I can understand more swedish now, but not a lot. I had my first meal with a member today. It was really good. I hope I don't get fat.

We have two investigators that we teach very regularly. Magid a muslim from Iran who is here for school. We teach him in English and he is very possitive, but before he can get baptised we would have to make sure he wouldn't go back to Iran or he would be killed. So, we have been counciled to try not to contact Muslims but teach them if the Mission president says it is ok. Our other investigator Marina has a Baptisimal date and before I came here she came down one night and told the missionaries (she lives the floor above us) to pray for her because the Lord would listen to them. Well of course they started teaching her and she is doing awsome. I can't really understand her but my companion can so, it is ok.

My time is running out, but a few more tidbits. The weather is very nice, and it rains out of nowhere just about every day. We have to always be prepared. There are lots of cherry trees. Also Prayer really works so Pray always and remember you won't get anything if you never ask.

Thank you for the e-mails.

Amy I got your letter thank you. I got yours too mom and Dad. I may or may not have time to write tonight sorry. Love you all

Äldste Grindstaff

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, July 20 2009

> Hola familia!
> Sorry I didn´t get to e-mail last week. The computer wouldn´t let us send anything. :( I sent a letter with a few stories of things that happened during the week though.
> Thank you for the letters and the packages. I have only just received the package from Scott and Maggie (thank you so much, by the way. My companions eyes lit up when she saw the recess buttercups... we´ve already eaten quite a few of them in our excitement. Oh, and the gospel picture book is amazing. Thank you so, so much!I plan on using it for a lesson soon)
> My hands are still pretty awful looking. I showed hna. Da Silva on Tuesday and she was a little concerned and told me a few things I could do. My branch president here was also really concerned about my hands and gave me a speach, while we were eating lunch with his family, about how he is looking out for our welfare and I need to wear gloves all the time. So, my companion is doing all the clapping at homes now because it is pretty difficult to clap with my gloves on, which I have to wear all the time or the branch president will get upset with me. :) He (the branch president) really is a great man and is really good to us. He is constantly making me speak to him instead of my companion because he wants to give me all the practice I can get. He won´t even let my companion be the one to call him on the phone!
> We had a busy week yet again. It was filled with little miracles that have helped me realize even more that this really is the Lord´s work and He is in charge of it. On Thursday we had some appointments fall through again (which I have decided is a sign that there is somebody that we need to find in the area because every time it happens we find somebody new to teach). Anyway, me and my companion were talking about how those who are ready to receive the gospel usually don´t know that they were ready until after they have accepted it into their lives. (I hope that makes since) Shortly after we had this conversation we knocked a door of a house I´d been rejected at before and a woman came out. She was really nice, but told us over and over again that she respected our religious beliefs, but that she didn´t have any interest. She then went on to tell us that she didn´t let any missionaries in her house at anytime, not even the Jehova´s Witnesses. After talking to her for a few minutes we found ourselves being led into her home and teaching her a lesson (because in her words, we were different then all those other missionaries she´d met). After that lesson we taught a woman who was baptized 17 years ago and stopped going to church shortly after her baptism. She has a 17 year old son (whom she was pregnant with at the time when she joined the church) who she told us wouldn´t be interested in our message at all. Turns out she was pretty wrong. We taught her and her son (and while my companion taught most of the lesson I had her other 3 kids around me looking at pictures of Christ).
> On Saturday we found a woman and her two grandkids to teach (again when we were left with nobody to teach because our plans had fallen through). The spirit was really strong in the lesson and afterwards I was left in awe at the way we have been led to all these people who are prepared to listen to the gospel.
> Our one golden investigator who earlier this week asked to be baptized is in a coma now…. Sigh… He is the man who told us that after our first visit he felt a feeling of peace wash over him.
> Anyway, I could go on with more stories, but my time is up. Thank you for all your prayers. I love hearing about how all of you are doing. I´m glad Tess is asked about me, even though she didn´t understand where I am right now.
> I love the work and I know the gospel is true, that Christ lives and is at the head of this church.
> Hna Grindstaff

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, July 20 2009

So, I am in Växjö. my new companion is Äldste Cleere. He is really cool. I can speak a little but I understand not so much. People here talk so fast. any way it is wierd I can understand my companion just fine because we both have accents and most other people don't. I have to go and by the way I could not get into my ldsmail account. I have no Idea why.

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, July 8 2009

> So, the last week at the MTC. It feels so wierd. I can't believe that I get to go to Sweden. One of the reterned missionaries from there, who works here, came and told us a little about it. (we have all also been able to teach him in the Training Resource Center, so he gave us feedback) He talked about how it would be hard, but that is how it is supposed to be. On our missions we will go through the refiners fire at some point, but to keep going. Life is not easy, but that is what makes us grow. We have to have challenges or we will not grow or learn anything. The fireside yesterday was really good. It was Angel Abreas of the seventy and he talked on teaching with the spirit. He said, "you are called to preach, and the spirit will teach." It was really awsome. He went back and forth in the Doctrine and Covenants and explained as he went. I hope I can teach like that. I still love fast Sundays they are awsome and I learn a lot.
> I am so nervous, oh well, I will get over it. I feel bad for my trainer. I am going to ask a lot of questions. I alla fall (anyway) Mom you are right I have learned a lot and could not do it without the Lords help. I still have a long way to go. Oh a strange swedish phrase, I can't remember it in swedish but instead of saying "it goes down hill fast" they say "its going to the woods"
> So, Amy Happy late birthday. I remembered after I e-mailed. Sorry!
> The 4th of July was good. we had a program of how the world was prepared for the gospel and how the reformers were inspired and we watched "The Stadium of Fire" It was lots of fun. There are lots of missionaries here.
> Dad you accidentally sent your letter to me addressed "Dear Scott" It is ok I forgive you. I enjoyed the letter anyway.
> So, I don't know how exactly it works but I leave on Monday and fly to Atlanta and have a 4 hour layover there 3:44 Atlanta time. So some time in there I get to call home, so be prepared. I don't know how long I can talk but I get to call. I am excited. After that I fly strait to Stockholm.
> Ps. I saw Elder Kunz yesterday on my way to dinner and apologise to him, if he gets this, that all I said was hi. My companion was on the move and I wanted to eat.
> Love you all lots and wish you the best. Thank you for the letters and be safe.
> Love Aldste Grindstaff.

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, July 1st 2009

> Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 16:29:43 +0000
> So, The language is coming. No I have not put on any weight. Today I get to clean the Temple, so I don't have as big a p-day as normal. Thank you for your E-mails they help a lot. I will try and write as many Letters as possible today, but no guarentees Sorry. Nancy thank you for the dear elder and the ties maggie made were by request of some of the Elders in my zone who saw them. Maggie being nice made some.
> Matthew and Kara thank you for the package. It was really exciting and I am glad I now have everyones address. Thank you so much. I was scared I wouldn't be able to write anymore.
> This week has been a very buisy and exciting one. We learned about participles yesterday and will finish tomorrow. the Mission Presidents came this week also. It was Awsome even if they weren't allowed to mingle with us. The General athorities were here from Wednsday to Sunday. The Devotional on thursday was By Elder Holland. It was really good on teaching by the spirit. Also on Saturday something really cool happened. Aldste Perry and I were teaching our teacher in a class activity with our backs to the door when a man came to it. I looked at him and thought he looks familiar and finished teaching. Then he came in an introduced himself as Elder Christopherson. I could not believe it. I looked at his picture on the wall and it still took a couple of minutes to believe it. He is Sister Swensons 2nd cousin or something and had seen her singing so, came to say hi. He stayed there for 45 minutes and talked to us. He shared Act 2:4-11 It was just what I needed at that time. He also said there is no reason baptisms should be low in Europe. He talked a lot about using the Book of Mormon and how we don't have to argue. We have proof, so give it to them and let them prove it. It is our tool for finding so use it. Also never to forget that we are Gods Children.
> I have to go, but I also got to see President Monson and Eyring. I was at the back of the croud, but I saw them. It was a cool Week
> Bye

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, July 1 2009

> Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 16:29:43 +0000
> So, The language is coming. No I have not put on any weight. Today I get to clean the Temple, so I don't have as big a p-day as normal. Thank you for your E-mails they help a lot. I will try and write as many Letters as possible today, but no guarentees Sorry. Nancy thank you for the dear elder and the ties maggie made were by request of some of the Elders in my zone who saw them. Maggie being nice made some.
> Matthew and Kara thank you for the package. It was really exciting and I am glad I now have everyones address. Thank you so much. I was scared I wouldn't be able to write anymore.
> This week has been a very buisy and exciting one. We learned about participles yesterday and will finish tomorrow. the Mission Presidents came this week also. It was Awsome even if they weren't allowed to mingle with us. The General athorities were here from Wednsday to Sunday. The Devotional on thursday was By Elder Holland. It was really good on teaching by the spirit. Also on Saturday something really cool happened. Aldste Perry and I were teaching our teacher in a class activity with our backs to the door when a man came to it. I looked at him and thought he looks familiar and finished teaching. Then he came in an introduced himself as Elder Christopherson. I could not believe it. I looked at his picture on the wall and it still took a couple of minutes to believe it. He is Sister Swensons 2nd cousin or something and had seen her singing so, came to say hi. He stayed there for 45 minutes and talked to us. He shared Act 2:4-11 It was just what I needed at that time. He also said there is no reason baptisms should be low in Europe. He talked a lot about using the Book of Mormon and how we don't have to argue. We have proof, so give it to them and let them prove it. It is our tool for finding so use it. Also never to forget that we are Gods Children.
> I have to go, but I also got to see President Monson and Eyring. I was at the back of the croud, but I saw them. It was a cool Week
> Bye

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, 29 June 2009

> Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 16:42:00 +0000
> Hola familia,
> Thank you for the e-mails.
> John Patrick, good luck reading the Book of Mormon. I`m so exited for you.
> Ella, I do get to eat at members homes and I love it, the only problem is how much food they pile on my plate (I`ve gained a few pounds since I`ve been here and the Branch president here is so proud:)
> Mom, the rash on my hands is still here and I think it`s getting worse, but I don`t know what to do about it. I try to keep my clothes clean, but to be honest it is really hard to find time to wash them all in the bucket and have them dry out on the line (especially on days like today where it`s storming). The church in Progreso is not far from our little house, so it`s convenient.
> So, a lot has been going on lately. I have now gotten to know my new companion a little better and I just love her. She is cheerful all the time and it is really contagious (sp?).
> This last week we have been focusing on finding new investigators to teach and have been trying to have more effective contacts. We have tried using new techniques (like singing hymns to people) and it`s worked. I remember listening to a fireside by Elder Holland where he said something about going out and astonishing somebody and this has been our big goal. Last night we had a few more contacts to get to meet our goal and me and my companion were literally running back and forth across the road to catch people to talk to.(It was pretty fun). People are a lot more willing to listen to us when we are smiling and enthusiastic about our message. I am learning a lot from my new companion and I enjoy the work that is here for me to do.
> Yesterday as we were out knocking on doors we found one less active member that was baptized back in like 1961 and has been inactive for years and years and years. Actually, when we first knocked on her door she told us she was catholic, but through our persistente to share the gospel with her we learned that she was a member and by the end she was inviting us to come back. Miracles are happening here in Progreso and we are finding new people everyday.
> Oh, I get to meet my new misión president this Friday! :) I`m pretty excited about it, but I will miss pres. Ashby and his wife. They have been amazing in this short time that I`ve been here. I got to hear them talk for the last time at the stake conference this last Sunday. Ah, changes…
> I love you all and hope all is going well.
> Happy birthday Amy (and all those others that I missed)
> Hna. Grindstaff

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff, Wed June 24th 2009

> Just a little thing I learned this week. How to say yes I do that or yes I can. This one is yes I do that. I am glad to have all your letters it is pretty cool. I'm glad you got the package. Dad I only almost forgot Fathers day. (thats why I have a companion). I am glad you all have had fun.
> This week I have learned a lot. I can almost get the inversion, or at least I realise after I say something it was wrong. The Swedish fast was fun I had one yesterday and last thursday and have another one tomorrow. It is hard nobody but the 13 swedes and our teachers understand us. Fortunatly we can translate and my companion is forgiving when I slip. I enjoy talking swedish even if I can't communicate everything. I try to say something and then realize I don't know how to say it. In the Teaching Appointment it was really bad. First it was a native swede so, I had a really hard time understanding (one in every ten words, I am so glad I can understand my teachers. I don't know why it is just easier.) When I did understand and tried to answer I couldn't. I found out later from my teacher what she really said. i alla fall, (anyways) the language is comming. The swine flu has pretty much passed and this week (tomorrow) all the mission presidents come in. We have been told that we are not to stop general authorities and not to approach them unless they approach you. It is going to be a fun couple of days. I am making sure to be in the Choir because our devotional was changed to friday. That means something special.
> Guess what the missionaries that come in today I will be leaving with. I am so excited. Three more weeks of being able to understand people. I had a taste in the TRC. It will be fun.
> Matthew I wrote you a letter last week, but didn't send it because I lost your address and Sandra's E-mail. Sorry. So could you send that to me?
> Sandra keep up the good work and I hope your rash gets better.
> Aaron I hope your prodject works out.
> Anita stay cool.
> Mom Dad Thanks.
> To all you others thank you for the letters I am so excited to get them (e-mails included). I did not know I would be this excited, but I am.
> I love you all
> Aldste Grindstaff

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, 18 June 2009

> Hola familia,
> Sorry I didn´t e-mail on Monday. My p-day was moved to today because we had a special zone conference with the mission president (today) and he didn´t want us to loose a day of work.
> So much has been going on that it´s hard to know where to begin.
> Hmm, I have an odd rash on my hands that I´ve had for about a week… the people here keep telling me it –saboñon- which is apparently something you get from the cold.)Sam, feel free to comment about what you think it might be and what to do for it) It´s not too cold here during the day (most of the time), but during the mornings and night times I do get really cold. And yes, Isaac, I have often thought about how you will be dealing with freezing Swedish winters while I am sweating here in Uruguay. (not to mention it does get a lot colder in Sweden then it does here)
> Kara told me in an e-mail that I have not mentioned much about my companion, so here´s a little bit about her-
> Her name is hna Blocker and she is from Flower Mound TX (close to Dallas) and this is her last area. In fact, she goes home next week and I will be left with a corto plazo for a couple of days. A corto plazo is a person who subs for missionaries in between changes. So, I will be the senior companion to a native Uruguayan for a few days before I get my new companion. I´m a little nervous about it because I don´t feel like I´m ready for this yet, but it´s coming whether I want it to or not. I am learning that I have to rely completely on the Lord (and I´ll learn it even more when my wonderful companion leaves me). I love the mission and the work that the Lord has given me to do here.
> I wish I had more time to tell you all about the people we´ve been teaching and the new investigators that we´ve found, but my p-day was cut short by the conference and I have run out of time to write. :(
> I´ll be sure to add some of my experiences of the week in my next letter…
> Isaac, that flu sounds pretty awful. I´m glad nothing like that went around in the MTC in Argentina.
> It´s so true what Elder Bednar said, there have been times that me and my companion have been working and found someone to teach so unexpectedly and only after did we realize we had been guided by the Lord. This is the Lords work and he will lead us if we let him.
> I love you all. Thank you for the letters and e-mails. I was overloaded with letters and e-mails that it was hard to find time to read them all today (I read them on the bus ride)
> -hna. Grindstaff

Aldste Isaac Grindstaff Wed June 17th 2009

> Sorry if you did not get my e-mail last week it got sent back to me, so I re sent it.
> Yes I am an old hand at the MTC. I know how to get into the devotionals and have fun. There is not enough time in the day for studying though. It is dissapointing. I Still love Swedish, and I have not gained any weaght so far. Gym is paying off. The Norwegians left and the english Elders that came in with us finally got to leave. Except for two. So, now we are the old Aldter (elders plural) at the MTC. Lots Of of fun. The devotional yesterday was really cool we had Bishope Edgley and his wife. They told us we have to hunt for our investigators and never be discoraged if you have no baptisms. We cannot see the riple effect.
> I got two 52 dollar suckers today. I had to get my 2nd hep A and Tetnis. Yes mom they made me get it again. It was lots of fun. My arm is only a little sore. So, my district and zone are all healthy again, and today is my last day taking the preventative medicin. The English fast was hard but fun. and the next one is tomorrow. I taught the first lesson in Swedish at the TRC Monday. I am so glad I have a companion. I got some good calls from the Refferal Center and it was really cool.
> So, I hope you are all having fun there. I am here. It has rained every day this week though. I thought I was in a desert. Anyway thank you for the letters.
> Anita good luck on your book.
> Sam I feel kind of bad for you.
> Maggie younger is yngre and congratulations on Youth conference.
> Sandra keep working hard I know you are going to make a big difference. Don't freeze, just think of your yngre brother serving in Sweden while you burn up this Winter.
> I Love you all Har det Bra!!!! (have it good)
> P.S. I ran into Brice again today and he says Hi.

June 17th 2009 Aldeste Isaac Grindstaff

> So, yes i learned about food this week. Yesterday to tell the trueth. Brother Nielson says the swedish food is way better than american food, especially the ost or cheese. You could almost see his mouth watering. So, the Swine flu is worse in our district this week we had two people in my district Aldste Hepburn and Syster Kelly. Syster Kelly had been sick for a week but hadn't been checked till Monday and is now quarentined for 5 days. Aldste Francis in the next room over was Quarentined Sunday. By the way I love fast sunday! Anyway Aldste Barlow also got sick, but it wasn't the flu. He was just sick, but he is better now. I have a little sore throat and cough, but no fever. The lady said it is just a cold, and I hope she is right. I do not want to be quarentined. Because we have the flu in our district we have to take Tamaflu once a day for 10 days. It is fun. Monday was the day our district got sick, so I have a new companion for a couple days, Aldste Clarke. It was a crazy day and the TRC was hard, but we taught pretty well I think.
> Yesterday we had Elder David A. Bednar and his wife come to speak to us. It was really cool and I got to wave at him as he drove away. He is really cool. He said the Apostles are not as serious as they seem. General conference is just not the time to joke around. He spoke on how we can know if we feel the Holy ghost or if it is just us. His answer was to be a good boy or girl, keep the commandments, remember and keep your covenants, and press forward with steadfastness in Christ and your steps will be guided and your mouth will be filled. He shared a couple of experiences from his mission to last General Conference on how he had no idea that the spirit was prompting him. He just felt like he needed to do it. He told us to read about Nephi and the Brass plates and learn from it. Nephi went and did and didn't really know how but he was guided. So, He said don't worry if you don't feel the spirit tell you to do something. Get out and work and be doing good things and then the Lord will guide you and you will have no Idea he is until after. So, Keep doing what is right and you will be ok.
> Thank you for the letters and the ties Maggie. the Elders were excited and will write to thank you today.
> All is well and I love the food or maten.
> Oh Mom, I was so excited to get a letter from you. the envelope was big and thick. I opened it and the first thing I read was Dear Sandra. So you sent her my letters. I read them Anyway and I hope Sandra that you enjoy my letters when they get there. So Mom, should I send them to Sandra or put them in my scrap book. I love you anyway and was excited anyway.
> It has rained almost every day this week and looks like it will today. I thought I was in a dessert. The new sport we play is Sand Vollyball. It is intense.
> Thank you once more for your E-mails and letters I love reading them. I can hardly believe that I have been here for 4 weeks today.
> I love you all lots and encourage you to do as Elder Bednar directs.
> Aldste Grindstaff