Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, September 14 2009

> Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 22:24:19 +0000
> Hola Familia,
> This e-mail is being written a little late because we are doing part of our p-day today and part on Wed. (because we are going to the temple on Wed.)
> Well, I have some exciting news for all of you, we are seeing miracles right and left here everyday. This last week our mission president spoke to us and told us that our goal is to have one baptism every week. When we heard this a few weeks ago we had a hard time believing it was possible, but me and my companion felt strongly that this was a goal given to us from the Lord, so we put as our weekly goal 1 baptism even though we didn´t have a date set with anybody for this last week. When we put the goal I felt like it was going to happen if we did our part and showed our faith because the Lord gave us this goal through our mission president. Well, last p-day we had a call from a woman of 28 years who called to tell us she wanted to hear the lessons again and asked us how long it would take before she would be ready for baptism. This girl has come to church many times and has listened to the missionaries for many years, but never committed to baptism. We started teaching her the next day and felt like we were supposed to commit her to baptism for the coming Saturday. She asked us if it was too soon, but we told her to pray about this baptismal date, and to make the story a little shorter... SHE GOT BAPTIZED! It was such a miracle and I know it´s because we put our trust in the Lord.
> We´ve started working in another little village in our area called Vista Linda and we´ve taught so many people there. I thought I´d seen all of my area (because I´ve been here for so long), but it turns out there was this golden area (all the villages are golden actually :) that I´ve never seen before. Our first time out there we were let in almost every home we knocked on to teach (that´s rare even for Progeso). We found one woman named Natalia who we taught for the second time today and she is just so sweet. She prayed to know if Joseph Smith was a prophet and read the entire folleto (pamphlet I think it´s called in english). It´s just so great to see how the gospel blesses peoples lives. People want to know the purpose to their lives on this planet and it´s so amazing that I have the opportunity to teach them these things. I love teaching people that God loves his children and has called a prophet to lead and guide us today.
> We taught a woman yesterday that was a little more of a challenge because she wants to know the truth of the things we teach her, but isn´t willing to do the things it takes to receive an answer. She asked us a lot of questions and one of them really made me think. She asked us if God loves us why do we have so much suffering in the world (she also asked if mormons were all rich)... we get these type of questions from many people, but this time I opened my mouth and really began teaching about the purpose to life. I know life is difficult, but I know that the purpose to life is to learn and grow and gain experience.
> Oh, my comanion just reminded me of a really neat experience that I almost forgot about.
> We were walking down a road when we saw an old woman carrying her groceries. We offered to help her because she looked like it was heavy. Turns out that she was a nun from the big catholic church we had just walked by in the middle of a huge field. We talked to he for a little while and she let us carry her groceries for her. She took us back to where she lives and we got to sing and say a prayed with her and another nun. They were so nice and invited us to come back anytime to talk with them. It was such an uplifting experience and one I´ll never forget.
> I love the gospel and the mission. I wish I could write stories for hours about things that have happened here, but alas, I haven´t got time.
> I love you all so much and I´m grateful for all you do for me.
> love, hna Grindstaff
> p.s. I got the packages and I must say, I love the washing plunger you sent. My companion thought it was a hoot.
> p.s.s Isaac, I missed reading your e-mail last week. Keep up the good work. I love you.

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