Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, August 3rd 2009

> Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 17:53:54 +0000
> Hola Mom, dad, and family!
> It has been another good week that seemed to go by really fast. On Tuesday we had intercambios (which is where we switch companions for a day) and I got to go to a city called San José. I was with a sister who I met in the MTC named hna Bull. She left three weeks after I entered the MTC to come to Uruguay. Anyway, it was great to see what a big city is like for a day and work in a new area, but I must say, it was good to return to my little area. I didn`t realize, until I left Progreso for a while, how at home I feel here. My companion told me I`ll feel that way about all my areas almost as soon as I arrive. I guess this really is where I`m supposed to be right now.
> To answer some of those questions for you-
> we do ride a lot of busses, but we also do a lot of walking. And, I wish I could say I haven`t gained a pound here, but to be honest... my skirts are fitting a little better now then they used to. It`s partly because the people feed us a lot of food and also because me and my companion love making stuff in the microwave. We are some pretty great cooks. :) Last night my companion looked at me while I was making rice pudding and she was making potato cake (that we invented and love) and said in a very cheesy voice "look at us... making eachother fat, aww" I really haven`t gained much weight though and I do owe that to all the walking we do.
> We had some great experiences this last week. We`ve have been trying to use the Book of Mormon and the resoration more in our contacting and we`ve found some great people. It has been hard finding new people to teach lately because we`ve been spending most of our time in areas that have been worked in a lot, but lately we`ve been trying to get to the areas that haven`t seen missionaries for a while and it`s been great. We found one woman this week in one of these new area´s who told us she was a Roman Catholic. She`s spent a lot of time looking for the right church and investigated many churches, but eventually gave up and went back to the catholic church. She told us she has been praying to know the right way that she should go... ah, it was so amazing to stand in her yard and tell her about the restoration and to bear our testimonies of the Book of Mormon. She wasn`t interested in listening to us at first, but by the end she was touched and wanted to read the Book of Mormon (which we usually don`t give out on a contact, but this time we did). I know if she reads and prays about it that she will learn for herself that it is true and that the things we taught her were true.
> I know the gospel is true and that this is the work of the Lord. It isn`t always easy, but it is always worth it. My companion is great and is getting ready to leave for her home in one week. (I`m killing off yet another companion. ugh) I will miss her a lot because she is such a great example to me. It`s hard letting companions go like this...
> About your talk dad... I have been reading in 3rd Nephi lately and I read about the rising generation that had such a negative effect on their parents and on everybody. Because of them many tragedies accured. On the other hand, there are the example of the stripling warriors and what a great blessing they were to everybody. They saved many lives and saw many miracles. What is the difference? standards, values,... the things the pamphlet "For the strength of youth" talks about.
> Well, I better go.
> I love you al mucho.
> hna. Grindstaff

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