Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, August 31 2009

> Hola familia,
> It has been another incredibly busy week here. Starting with last Monday... here it goes, After writing you an e-mail we got on a bus to come home and the bus driver dropped us off at a stop out of town even though we were ready for the last stop in town. So, we thanked him regardless of the inconveniance and hurried to the grocery store to get a few things we needed. While I was standing in one of the aisles a woman came up to me holding her baby and began talking to me. Taking this opportunity to contact her I began to ask her if she`d ever talked to missionaries before. She said she invited them over once, but wasn`t home when they came by, but would like us to come by. (she didn`t have to ask me twice). She was such a miracle and we did make it back to teach her. She`s great.
> Wed. we had our english class for the first time in a while and had a bunch of little kids (not all members) come to class. I`ve never had so much fun teaching in my life. One of the little girls, a five year old, was just adorable and even though she doesn`t write too well loves the class. I hope one day all these kid`s remember fond memories of english class and get baptized. :)
> Thursday was just full of miracles. As we were walking to our lessons that we had planned in a little villa we were contacting people in the street, even though we were running a little late to our many plans that we had. As we were trying to make our way to our lesson (and contacting people on the way which slows us down quite a bit) we had a woman come up to us and start talking. We learned that she was a member that was baptized back when she was young, but hasn`t been in contact with the church for many many years. She has 5 kids who are not all members because her husband won`t let them have anything to do with religion. He ripped up her bibles and Book of Mormon, so she was also without those for a long time too. It was such a miracle that we found her. I gave her one of the Book of Mormons I brought with me and then we invited her to the activity that me and my companion planned (a talent show and dessert compatition). After this contact we moved on about our plans. The next day, Friday, we had our activity and guess who showed up with her kids... this woman we met in the street. It was such a miracle. She also showed up at church on Sunday.
> The activity was a huge success. We made American treats (cookies and brownies) for the desserts and everyone loved them. The last activity me and my companion did was not as successful as this one, but I think the warmer weather (and the invitations mixed with our enthusiasm) helped a lot. Some of our investigators came and everyone really enjoyed it. Also peoples enthusiasm to help with missionary work in this area has really increased. (We`ve really been working on using the members a lot more lately and teaching them things they can do to help. They love it and we`re seeing more miracles.)
> One funny thing about the activity that we had...
> One recent convert wanted to do a talent. We thought he was just going to sing a hymn because he asked me to play the song "God be with you till we meet again" for him, but he had more plans. He read the entire section of DyC where Joseph Smith dies (very dramitically) and then had me play the song while he sang. It was very interesting because near the end of the song he set a chair up by the front wall that the pulpit is attached to and at the end of the song he jumped up on the chair and jumped off with much emotion. I tried not to laugh, but nobody but me and my companion seemed to think this was odd or inappropriate. This recent convert is really great and especially entertaining (he used to be evangelist, which explains a lot of his enthusiasm).
> I love the mission and I am learning so much. I`m learning how to be happy and not to be stressed all the time (yes, that is something I have to teach myself). I want so much to be perfect and it`s frustrating when I constantly fall short of this impossible goal. I`m learning though...
> I love the gospel and I know this is the true church on the earth. I know the Savior lives and made my happiness possible. This is the Lord`s work and I know he`s guiding it along.
> I love you all. Thanks for your e-mails.
> Isaac, thank you for your e-mails too. I love reading about what your doing in Sweden. I love you lot`s and I`m so proud of you.
> Love you
> hna. Grindstaff

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