Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, September 23 2009

> Hola familia,
> Guess what, it`s changes again and I`m getting another companion and leaving my first area. I definitely cried because I just love Progreso so much and the people there. As I was sitting in lessons yesterday sometimes the tears would just come to my eyes and I couldn`t stop them. I love my companion hermana Rogers (who goes home in December), but I know I`ll love my new companion hermana Vera also. Hermana Vera is a latina from Chille, so my english days are over for a while (except e-mails)... it should be interesting. I`m excited to get to work. Oh, my new area is Pasa de los Toros. it`s about 4 hours north of Montevideo by a lot of rivers. I hear it`s pretty.
> I`ve learned so much in Progreso and I`m so grateful I got to serve in that little area. Our last convert, Lorena, met us in the grocery store (we were doing something for president Sueldo there) and she told us that we will always have a special place in her heart and she wants me to be there in a year when she goes through the temple. (If I`m still here it might work out). I also saw Ernesto, our other recent convert that I found with hna. Wilson. He is doing great (he got the priesthood a few weeks ago), but his health is not so good. He`s been told that he doesn`t have much longer to live. For that reason they told us that I couln`t tell him I was leaving Progreso. (they`re worried about his health). Ernesto is great and often tells us that he is perservering to the end.
> Irene, the woman we found a few weeks ago that wanted to commit suicide, is doing wonderful and has started coming to church and her daughter and her family are now listening to the lessons. It`s just a miracle how the Lord puts us in peoples paths (and them in ours) in their time of need.
> We have a few new investigators in Progreso that I think are just wonderful. One is named Natalia and she is reading and praying about the things we`ve taught her and is planning on coming to church (which is often the hardest thing to get people to commit to do. But, I`ve found that those who read in the Book of Mormon and pray about it are the ones who have the desires to go to church). At the end of our lesson with Natalia she said the closing prayer (a beautiful, simple prayer) and then started to cry.
> Ah, and then we have a little girl investigator whose mom is a less active of many years that we found in a little villa. We had a Noche de Hogar with them (FHE) and it was so fun playing games with the three little kids. We did Simon Says and sang songs. It was great. (We also did an object lesson with blue food coloring that left my hands all blue for a while)
> This week we also had Elder Bowen and his wife come to talk to us. It was amazing and I feel even more strongly that we can have one baptism every week here if we just excercise our faith and go to work (and are obedient... obedience is everything). He also told us something that I thought was pretty great. Speaking to the hermana`s he said- when a nice young man asks you to marry him you need to say, "honey, can you explain to me the oath and covenant of the Melcezadek (I can`t spell it) priesthood?" He said if they couldn`t explain it then it was time to say adios.
> I just love the mission and I know this is the work of the Lord. I know that Jesus is the Chist and that he lives and is the head of this church. I know we have a living prophet in the world today, Thomas S. Monson. What a blessing it is to have the gospel in my life and wonderful parents. I did a contact on the bus today with a woman and I was talking to her about the family. I told her about my angel mother and father who prayed with us everynight and read the scriptures with us. The woman I talked to was very sweet (and doesn`t live in my area, but I wrote down her direction) and I can tell she cares a lot for her little family.
> I love you all so much.
> love, hna Grindstaff
> p.s. you asked about my favorite food here and the recipe. If you want to try a little of what I`m getting here it`s really simple. Just pour about half a container of oil on whatever your making and whala, you have Uruguayan food. It`s great. :) I`m trying not to eat it when I can aviod it. I do really like arroz con leche though.
> p.s.s. Keep that kitchen clean Isaac! ha ha

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