Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hermana Sandra Grindstaff, October 5 2009

> Hola familia,
> Conference was so great! Since my companion is latina we watched it in spanish with the rest of the ward (and a few investigators:). There was only one talk that I didn`t like hearing the vioce of the translater for and that was elder Hollands talk. He speaks with a lot of power and authority and the translater had a hard time capturing that... (I`m not talking bad about the translaters. They do a good job)
> This has been another week full of a lot of work. We had a few memorable lessons and I`ll tell you about a few of them.
> One of them was with a family of six kids that we found. We went back to teach them the plan and there were a few little cousins there. So, we taught about 10 little girls all under the age of 13, two adults (the mom and her sister) and we had a member that we brought with us. It was quite a crowded lesson full of little giggles that reminded me of my neices and nephews. It was pretty fun, but I wondered to myself if the mom understood any of it, so at the end of the lesson we asked her and she said she understood it perfectly (which is a miracle with how many happy little girls we had in this lesson). At the end of the lesson the little girls all wanted to hear me speak english and I must say, I`ve never felt so awkward speaking in my native tongue in my entire life.
> Another memorable lesson was with the young couple that found my second day here (that are planning on being baptized this Saturday). We taught them the word of wisdom and learned that they were already living it... minus the husband who has smoked for 20 years but two weeks ago decided he wanted to quit and had really cut back. The husband committed to quit smoking and that was that. It`s amazing to see just how prepared these two have been. They enjoyed conference a lot and are looking forward to their baptism.
> Thank you for the e-mails. I could hardly believe that you found a 10 pound sweet potato in the garden. That`s like a 2 week old baby!
> I`m so grateful that we had the opportunity to hear the prophet this weekend. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a living prophet on the earth today. I know that Christ lives and that He is the head of this church and speaks to us through our prophet. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God and was written by ancient prophets and that Joseph Smith translated it by the power of God.
> I love you all and I hope you always remember that the God loves you and is mindful of you.
> love,
> hna Grindstaff
> p.s. Isaaaaac, I mean elder (I don`t know how you spell it in swedish) Grindstaff, Good luck this week. and as dad always say`s, Smile!
> Oh, and "verde" is green.

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